Support LymeBrave This Giving Tuesday!

Donate $5 for Lyme this Giving Tuesday!
Today is #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving that helps friends show support for their favorite non-profits. This year, donation fees will be waived and donations will be matched up to $2 million dollars thanks to Facebook and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation!
That means your $5 for Lyme will be DOUBLED! WHAT YOU CAN DO:
Donate $5 for Lyme by clicking our Donate button on our Facebook page beginning at 8am EST, or contribute to one of our fundraisers. Donate early before matching funds dry up.
Share what makes YOU LymeBrave and tag us in your post. When prompted, add a donate button to your post to help spread the word.
Create your own fundraiser on Facebook by selecting LymeBrave Foundation.
Want more ways to fundraise for LymeBrave Foundation? Check out our campaign resources!
Your donations help us help the Lyme community. Through your generous gift, our growing 501c3 nonprofit will be able to create and maintain the following support and awareness programs:
Patient and Caregiver Toolkits
LymeLink: our upcoming mentorship match program that pairs Lyme survivors with new patients (caregivers included)
Online educational and healing workshops
Awareness initiatives based on the patient/caregiver personal experience
Wellness grants for adult Lyme patients
and more!
We believe that sharing our stories and our struggles can provide comfort and inspiration when facing an illness that makes it difficult to find either. That's why LymeBrave Foundation was created with hope and healing in mind. Here you'll find educational information about Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases that center on the patient experience, support programs to help guide Lyme patients and their caregivers through diagnosis and treatment, and awareness campaigns that bring to light the emotional impact of living with this chronic illness. We'll be here to help you stay strong. We'll remind you to always be brave.
Thank you for supporting LymeBrave Foundation!