From facts about Lyme disease to prevention and resources. We've got you covered.
Lyme disease is the fastest growing infectious disease in the United States, with over 330,000 confirmed cases per year. A swiftly escalating epidemic, patients are often misdiagnosed due to poor testing and outdated treatment guidelines. Learn more about Lyme here.
Lyme isn't known as "The Great Imitator" for nothing! Listed here are the more common symptoms associated with Lyme and tick-borne diseases, as well as resources for further diagnostic research.
We believe that education and awareness play a vital role in protecting yourself from ticks, but did you know there are preventative techniques you can use to limit your risk of infection?
We know that finding a physician who can diagnose and treat Lyme and other tick-borne diseases is half the battle. These organizations offer physician referral programs to help you find the healthcare professional best suited for you.
A growing list of leading non-profit organizations offering Lyme disease education, research, and advocacy.